Today’s Wordle Hints (and Answer) for Sunday, June 30, 2024

If you’re looking for the Wordle answer for June 30, 2024 read on. We’ll share some clues, tips, and strategies, and finally the solution. Today’s puzzle is harder; I got it in five. Beware, there are spoilers below for June 30, Wordle #1,107! Keep scrolling if you want some hints (and then the answer) to today’s Wordle game.

How to play Wordle

Wordle lives here on the New York Times website. A new puzzle goes live every day at midnight, your local time.

Start by guessing a five-letter word. The letters of the word will turn green if they’re correct, yellow if you have the right letter in the wrong place, or gray if the letter isn’t in the day’s secret word at all. For more, check out our guide to playing Wordle here, and my strategy guide here for more advanced tips. (We also have more information at the bottom of this post, after the hints and answers.)

Ready for the hints? Let’s go!

Does today’s Wordle have any unusual letters?

We’ll define common letters as those that appear in the old typesetters’ phrase ETAOIN SHRDLU. (Memorize this! Pronounce it “Edwin Shirdloo,” like a name, and pretend he’s a friend of yours.)

Three of today's letters are from our mnemonic. One is fairly common, and one is uncommon.

Can you give me a hint for today’s Wordle?

As a proper noun, the name of an elf.

Does today’s Wordle have any double or repeated letters?

There is one repeated letter today. 

How many vowels are in today’s Wordle?

There is one vowel and one "sometimes" vowel.

What letter does today’s Wordle start with?

Today’s word starts with B. 

What letter does today’s Wordle end with?

Today’s word ends with Y. 

What is the solution to today’s Wordle?

Ready? Today’s word is BUDDY.

How I solved today’s Wordle

I started with RAISE and TOUCH, which yielded only one letter. I went with PYLON next, then tried GAMED to eliminate consonants that were common in possible solutions. This left only a few words, of which BUDDY was the most common.

Wordle 1,107 5/6


Yesterday’s Wordle answer

Yesterday’s Wordle was medium difficult. The hint was “like a horse, but always black and white” and the answer contained three common letters, one fairly common letter, and one uncommon letter.

The answer to yesterday’s Wordle was ZEBRA.

A primer on Wordle basics

The idea of Wordle is to guess the day’s secret word. When you first open the Wordle game, you’ll see an empty grid of letters. It’s up to you to make the first move: type in any five-letter word. 

Now, you can use the colors that are revealed to get clues about the word: Green means you correctly guessed a letter, and it’s in the correct position. (For example, if you guess PARTY, and the word is actually PURSE, the P and R will be green.)

  • Yellow means the letter is somewhere in the word, but not in the position you guessed it. (For example, if you guessed PARTY, but the word is actually ROAST, the R, A and T will all be yellow.)

  • Gray means the letter is not in the solution word at all. (If you guessed PARTY and everything is gray, then the solution cannot be PURSE or ROAST.)

With all that in mind, guess another word, and then another, trying to land on the correct word before you run out of chances. You get six guesses, and then it’s game over.

The best starter words for Wordle

What should you play for that first guess? The best starters tend to contain common letters, to increase the chances of getting yellow and green squares to guide your guessing. (And if you get all grays when guessing common letters, that’s still excellent information to help you rule out possibilities.) There isn’t a single “best” starting word, but the New York Times’s Wordle analysis bot has suggested starting with one of these:






Meanwhile, an MIT analysis found that you’ll eliminate the most possibilities in the first round by starting with one of these:






Other good picks might be ARISE or ROUND. Words like ADIEU and AUDIO get more vowels in play, but you could argue that it’s better to start with an emphasis on consonants, using a starter like RENTS or CLAMP. Choose your strategy, and see how it plays out.

How to win at Wordle

We have a few guides to Wordle strategy, which you might like to read over if you’re a serious student of the game. This one covers how to use consonants to your advantage, while this one focuses on a strategy that uses the most common letters. In this advanced guide, we detail a three-pronged approach for fishing for hints while maximizing your chances of winning quickly.

The biggest thing that separates Wordle winners from Wordle losers is that winners use their guesses to gather information about what letters are in the word. If you know that the word must end in -OUND, don’t waste four guesses on MOUND, ROUND, SOUND, and HOUND; combine those consonants and guess MARSH. If the H lights up in yellow, you know the solution.

One more note on strategy: the original Wordle used a list of about 2,300 solution words, but after the game was bought by the NYT, the game now has an editor who hand-picks the solutions. Sometimes they are slightly tricky words that wouldn’t have made the original list, and sometimes they are topical. For example, FEAST was the solution one Thanksgiving. So keep in mind that there may be a theme.

Wordle alternatives

If you can’t get enough of five-letter guessing games and their kin, the best Wordle alternatives, ranked by difficulty, include:

from News

You Can Finally Use Reminders in Apple Calendar

Apple's Calendar and Reminders apps are so closely related, it's baffling that the company never tried to bridge the gap. On any given day, you might have your meetings and events scheduled in the Calendar app, while the actual tasks you need to get done for those events live in the Reminders app.

But after upgrading to iOS 18 and macOS Sequoia updates (which you can currently try out in Developer beta), you won't need to jump between two apps anymore—your reminders will automatically show up in the Calendar app. Here's how it works.

How to see your reminders in the Calendar app

Apple's implementation of this feature is quite simple. Any reminder or event that you create in the Reminders app that has a due date and time will automatically show up in the Calendar app. You don't have to do anything else, and the feature is even enabled by default, provided you're running iOS 18 and macOS Sequoia. This works for all your reminders—the Calendar app will even show the relevant color of your list in the checkbox icon.

Reminders showing up in the Calendar app automatically.
Credit: Khamosh Pathak

The integration is well done: The reminder shows up with a checkbox, so you can mak it complete from the Calendar app itself! You can see your reminders in the day view, and even the new Month view, if you use the new pinch-to-zoom feature to zoom into a particular week.

Once a reminder shows up in Calendar, you can move it around to change the time (just like you can with an event), and the change will be instantly reflected in the Reminders app.

Creating a reminder in the Calendar app on iOS 18.
Credit: Khamosh Pathak

Conversely, you can also create a reminder from inside the Calendar app, thought the interface is a bit clunky. Click the Plus button from the top, and switch to the Reminder tab to create a reminder instead of an event. Here, you can give it a name, set a date and time, and add it to your overall Reminders list.

Third-party tools are still an option

There are already a couple of interesting third-party options that can help integrate reminders with the Calendar app, but they can't integrate a checkbox for reminders in the Calendar app, like Apple can. However, they do offer customization options.

The ReminderCal app serves as a way to automatically share reminders to the Calendar, but the reminders show up as events, not tasks. Still, the app gives you more control over which reminders show up in Calendar (something Apple doesn't offer yet). On the other hand, being a third-party app, it suffers from sync and connectivity issues that aren't an issue for Apple's feature.

Another thoroughly different option is to use a day planner app like Structured that can combine both tasks and the calendar events into one app, helping you check off events and related tasks in a single pane. This is something that Apple still doesn't do, as despite finally working together in iOS 18, the Reminders and Calendar apps remain separate apps. If you want to create and control reminders and subtasks right from the Calendar app, the Structured app is still your best bet.

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The Quickest Ways to Convert HEIC to JPEG

Back in 2017, Apple introduced a new default photo format for the iPhone, HEIC. Nothing against this highly efficient format (it literally stands for High Efficiency Image Container)—it powers Live Photos and Apple’s excellent image post-processing, and it still manages to take up less space than JPG—but it can be a headache at times.

While HEIC works fine if you’re sharing a photo among other Apple devices, but you'll often run into a problem when you need to upload a photo to an online form or open it on Windows: It’s often not compatible, and won’t open.

There are a couple of ways to handle this. You can use a workaround to convert HEIC images to JPG (or JPEG) on your iPhone, or you can adjust your settings and switch back to shooting photos in JPG. If the photo is already on your Mac or Windows PC, you have some options there as well, including opening the photo natively on your PC.

Here are your options.

Change your iPhone's default photo format

If you don’t like the HEIC format, the first thing you should do is switch the default format for the Camera app to JPG. Go to Settings > Photos > Formats and switch to the “Most Compatible” option. Now, any new photos that you take will be saved in JPG, making it much easier to share everywhere.

There’s also a special mode in Settings that automatically converts the photos to JPG when sharing to Windows or Mac, but keeps them as HEIC on iPhone (helping save some storage space). To enable this feature, go to Settings > Photos > Transfer to Mac or PC and choose the “Automatic” option.

Use the Finder feature in Mac to convert HEIC to JPG

If you’re using a Mac running macOS Monterey or higher, there’s a quick image conversion tool built into the Finder app that supports multiple images at once. Select the HEIC photos, right-click, and go to Quick Actions > Convert Image. Here, choose the “JPEG” format, and click the “Convert to JPEG” option.

On an older Mac, you can use the Preview app. Open the image in the Preview app, and go to File > Export. In the File drop-down, choose the “JPG” option, hit the “Save” button, and Preview will save the JPG version of the image in your chosen destination.

Quickly convert an HEIC image to JPG on your phone using the Files app

A quick way to convert HEIC photos to JPG right on your iPhone is to use the Files app. All it takes is a simple copy and paste: Open the Photos app on your iPhone and select the photos that you want to convert. Then, tap the Share icon, and choose the “Copy Photos” option.

Go to the Files app, choose the On My iPhone location, then create a new folder. Tap and hold on an empty space, then tap the “Paste” button. The HEIC photos will now show up in JPG, and you can share them in any app you want. If you want to put them back in the Photos app as JPG files, tap the Share button, and choose “Save Image.

It’s best to reserve this method for only a couple of photos at a time, as it gets exhausting for a large batch.

Use the Documents app to share JPGs without converting

You’ll find a plethora of HEIC to JPG convertor apps on the App Store, but they might haggle you for a subscription, and it might not be safe to hand over your entire photo library to a random app.

If you want to use an app to do this, we would suggest you use the Documents by Readdle app, which comes from a trusted company. It has a built-in Photo library itself, and converts HEIC images to JPG by default, so you don’t even need to wait to manually convert and duplicate the images. Open the app, go to “Photo Albums”, choose an image, tap the Share button, and send it along using AirDrop, email, or via chat message, with confidence the image is now in JPG.

Open HEIC images in the Photos app on Windows

Windows does let you open HEIC images in Photos, but only if you’re set up for it. You’ll need to download both HEIF Image Extensions (free) and HEVC Video Extensions ($0.99) from the Microsoft Store—but once you do, you’ll be able to open HEIC files in your Photos app, as well as convert them to JPG.

With these extensions installed, open a photo on your PC, choosing “Photos” as the app to open it in.

Convert HEIC to JPG on Windows using CopyTrans

You can also use the popular CopyTrans for Windows app to convert HEIC to JPGs on a Windows computer. This app is free for personal use, and it has a direct integration in the File Explorer. All you have to do is select the HEIC file, right-click, and choose the “Convert to JPEG with CopyTrans” option to automatically create the JPG version of the same image, in the same folder.

Use online websites to convert HEIC photos

Want to quickly convert a couple of HEIC photos, and don’t want to bother with apps? Use a free image converter website like Cloud Convert. Just drag in HEIC photos, hit the “Convert” button, and download the resulting JPG files.

from News

The Best Movies to Stream This Week

Looking to settle in with a good movie? Me too. That's why I've pored over the release schedules of major streaming services to bring you the best original and new-to-streaming movies you can watch right now.

My stream-of-the-week pick is Fancy Dance. This Apple TV+ original is the kind of thoughtful, quiet film you used to have to go to an arthouse to see. If you're like, "Dude, it's summer; what else ya got?" you could check out surprisingly good cartoon Kung Fu Panda 4, or do a diva-double-feature with documentary I Am: Celine Dion and biopic Judy.

Fancy Dance

I've been reading hot-takes about the death of small, smart, indie cinema for my entire life, but the spirit lives on in movies like Fancy Dance. Lily Gladstone stars as Jax, whose life on the Seneca-Cayuga reservation in Oklahoma consists of caring for her niece Roki, played by Isabel Deroy-Olson, and searching for her missing sister. When custody of Roki is threatened by Roki's father, Jax grabs her niece and goes hunting for Roki's mother, a search that becomes a deeper investigation of the place of Indigenous women in a colonized world.

Where to stream: Apple TV+

Kung Fu Panda 4

It seems impossible that the fourth movie in a series about a Panda who knows martial arts would be good enough to have a Rotten Tomatoes audience score 87%, but Kung Fu Panda 4 smashes through conventional ideas of cinematic quality like they're wooden planks at a strip mall dojo. Jack Black is back as Po, and this time he's looking for a protege to take over as Dragon Warrior so he can be promoted to Grand Head Poobah or something. To find the right animal, Po heads out on one last (yeah, right) adventure. The search puts Po and his pal Zhen in the crosshairs of the wicked sorceress Chameleon and tests the limits of his kung fu skills. If you have kids, they'll like it, and if you happen to catch a scene or two when you're not looking at your phone, you won't mind it.

Where to stream: Peacock

I Am: Celine Dion

This original Prime documentary explores singer Celine Dion's struggle with Stiff Person Syndrome, a rare neurological disease. Described in a press release as an "emotional, energetic, and poetic love letter to music," I Am: Celine Dion takes viewers from the dressing room to the recording studio to the stage and captures an intimate look at the superstar singer's private life and struggles.

Where to stream: Prime

A Family Affair

Nicole Kidman, Zac Efron, and Joey King lead the cast of A Family Affair, a romantic comedy that begins with Zara (King) walking in on her mom (Kidman) and her ex-boss (Efron) in the middle of a passionate tryst. The ex-boss is an impossibly self-centered celebrity—so Zara is not at all sure how to deal with the new relationship. This exploration of love, sex, and identity is the kind of charisma-powered, crowd-pleasing movie that romantic comedy fans can't get enough of.

Where to stream: Netflix

Judy (2019)

Judy explores the oversized life of iconic movie star Judy Garland—specifically, her last years in London, when films like The Wizard of Oz were a distant cultural memory and Garland was too broke to pay her hotel bill. Trying to stage another in an endless series of "comebacks," Garland juggles her professional responsibilities with her fierce protectiveness over her children, all while battling alcoholism and drug addiction. Darci Shaw plays young Judy, but the movie really belongs to Renée Zellweger, whose portrayal of time-has-caught-up-with-her Judy is heartbreaking.

Where to stream: Prime

Breakin' On The One

This documentary tells the story of how the Black and brown kids from New York’s poorest neighborhoods spawned a worldwide musical and cultural revolution through dance, music, and fashion. On August 15, 1981, New York breakdance crews the Rocksteady Crew and the Dynamic Rockers appeared at the Out-of-Doors Festival to settle their differences through a breaking battle. Ripples from the showdown reverberated all over the world, and Breakin' On The One explores that epic breakin’ battle and the significance of breakdancing and hip-hop through archival footage and interviews with the dancers, DJs, MCs, and B-boys and girls who were there. If you’re into hip-hop, or fascinated with how cultural revolutions begin, check out Breakin’ on the One

Where to stream: Hulu

Last week's picks

Monkey Man

Mumbai isn't usually associated with martial arts, but first-time director Dev Patel's Monkey Man is a punch-in-the-face action movie that may change minds. Patel plays the title character, named for the mask he wears, a scrapper who makes a brutal living in underground fight pits where he's beaten up nightly for money. When he figures out how to infiltrate the secret society of rich jerks who pull the strings, Monkey Man unleashes a torrent of rage and revenge so satisfying it earned an 83% "fresh" rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

Where to stream: Peacock

Oppenheimer (2023)

Christopher Nolan's biopic about the inventor of atomic weapons took home seven Oscars, including best picture, and it also made over $900 million at the box office. Cillian Murphy stars as physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer, a complex, driven visionary tasked with creating the most destructive weapon in human history to fight the Axis powers during World War II. Spoiler: he succeeds, but Oppenheimer, both the movie and man, end up wondering if atomic weapons were actually such a great idea.

Trigger Warning

For her role as Parker in Netflix original action movie Trigger Warning, Jessica Alba learned Indonesian knife fighting skills to make the flick's intense hand-to-hand combat scenes extra real. Parker is a Special Forces commando who returns to her home town her father's funeral, only to discover a dangerous conspiracy that might be responsible for his death. Does she confront the evil men behind the plot with Indonesian knife-fighting skills? Goddamn right she does. Mark Webber, Tone Bell, Jake Weary, Gabriel Basso, and Anthony Michael Hall also appear in this treat for action movie fans.

Where to stream: Netflix

Outstanding: A Comedy Revolution

This Netflix original documentary tells the story of LGBTQ+ stand-up comedy through interviews, stand-up performances, archival materials, and verité footage featuring huge comedians like Lily Tomlin, Sandra Bernhard, Wanda Sykes, Eddie Izzard, Hannah Gadsby, Tig Notaro, and Rosie O'Donnell. Outstanding explores the history of queer comics, the societal changes that came from their work, and the future of LGBTQ+ stand-up.

Where to stream: Netflix

Slave Play. Not a Movie. A Play.

Jeremy O. Harris' Slave Play was one of the most celebrated, provocative, and fearless plays ever staged on Broadway. In this documentary, Harris takes us behind the scenes of the groundbreaking production, showing us the actors workshops, run-throughs, and rehearsals that brought it to life. But Harris goes deeper and uses the documentary to comment on his own part of Slave Play's creation.

Where to stream: Max

from News

What's New on Prime Video and Freevee in July 2024

Like most other streaming services, Prime Video's slate of new content in July is pretty slim. There are two original films coming to the platform, starting with Space Cadet (July 4), a Legally Blonde-style comedy starring Emma Roberts as an aspiring astronaut trying to survive NASA's training program. My Spy: The Eternal City (July 18) is a sequel to the 2020 movie starring Dave Bautista as a CIA agent and Chloe Coleman as his stepdaughter, both of whom get wrapped up in a terrorist plot while on a school field trip to Italy.

On the TV side, there's the Seth Rogen adult animated series Sausage Party: Foodtopia (July 11), which is based on the 2016 film and features the voices of Kristen Wiig, Michael Cera, David Krumholtz, and Edward Norton.

Here’s everything else coming to Prime Video and Amazon-owned, ad-supported Freevee in July.

What’s coming to Prime Video in July 2024

Arriving July 1

  • A Fistful of Dollars (1967)

  • A Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy (1982)

  • A Separation (2011)

  • Absence of Malice (1981)

  • American Outlaws (2001)

  • Amistad (1997)

  • Animal House (1978)

  • Bananas (1971)

  • Billy Madison (1995)

  • Blue Chips (1994)

  • Blue Crush (2002)

  • Blue Crush 2 (2011)

  • Blue Velvet (1986)

  • Bottle Rocket (1996)

  • Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961)

  • Charlie Bartlett (2008)

  • Chato's Land (1972)

  • Code Of Silence (1985)

  • Colors (1988)

  • Dances with Wolves (1990)

  • Death Rides A Horse (1969)

  • Death Warrant (1990)

  • Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (1988)

  • Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964)

  • Easy Rider (1969)

  • El Dorado (1967)

  • Event Horizon (1997)

  • Five Easy Pieces (1970)

  • For a Few Dollars More (1967)

  • From Here To Eternity (1953)

  • Gladiator (2000)

  • Guess Who's Coming To Dinner (1967)

  • Gunfight at the O.K. Corral (1957)

  • Hang 'em High (1968)

  • Hannibal (2001)

  • Hard Target (1993)

  • Harsh Times (2006)

  • Jagged Edge (1985)

  • Jupiter Ascending (2015)

  • Kramer vs. Kramer (1979)

  • Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001)

  • Lawrence Of Arabia (1962)

  • Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events (2004)

  • Love & Mercy (2015)

  • Masquerade (1988)

  • Mermaids (1990)

  • Mr. Majestyk (1974)

  • Mr. Smith Goes To Washington (1939)

  • Mrs. Winterbourne (1996)

  • My Left Foot (1990)

  • No Country for Old Men (2007)

  • Non-Stop (2014)

  • Original Sin (2001)

  • Picture This (2008)

  • Pompeii (2014)

  • Postcards From The Edge (1990)

  • Private Parts (1997)

  • Rocky (1976)

  • Rocky II (1979)

  • Rocky III (1982)

  • Rocky IV (1985)

  • Rocky V (1990)

  • Sahara (2005)

  • Savages (2012)

  • Saving Private Ryan (1998)

  • Scorpion King 4: Quest For Power (2015)

  • Scorpion King: Book of Souls (2018)

  • Seventh Son (2015)

  • Shane (1953)

  • Sleepy Hollow (1999)

  • Spy Game (2001)

  • Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984)

  • Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989)

  • Star Trek VII: Generations (1994)

  • Star Trek VIII: First Contact (1996)

  • Star Trek: Insurrection (1998)

  • Star Trek X: Nemesis (2002)

  • Stephen King's Thinner (1996)

  • Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007)

  • Taxi Driver (1976)

  • Ted (2012)

  • Teen Wolf Too (1987)

  • The 40-Year-Old Virgin (2005)

  • The Age of Innocence (1993)

  • The Armstrong Lie (2013)

  • The Awful Truth (1937)

  • The Babysitter (1995)

  • The Black Stallion (1971)

  • The Black Stallion Returns (1983)

  • The Bone Collector (1999)

  • The Bridge At Remagen (1969)

  • The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)

  • The Caine Mutiny (1954)

  • The Comedian (2017)

  • The Falcon and the Snowman (1985)

  • The First Wives Club (1996)

  • The Golden Child (1986)

  • The Good, The Bad And The Ugly (1967)

  • The Guns of Navarone (1961)

  • The Last Airbender (2010)

  • The Love Letter (2013)

  • The Magnificent Seven (2016)

  • The Muppets Take Manhattan (1984)

  • The Remains Of The Day (1993)

  • The Running Man (1981)

  • The Scorpion King 3: Battle for Redemption (2012)

  • The Scorpion King 2: Rise Of A Warrior (2008)

  • The Silence Of The Lambs (1991)

  • The Spiderwick Chronicles (2008)

  • The Wolfman (2010)

  • They Might Be Giants (1971)

  • Timeline (2003)

  • Trainspotting (1996)

  • Unforgiven (1992)

  • Walking Tall: The Payback (2007)

  • Wanderlust (2012)

  • Wayne's World (1992)

  • Witness (1985)

  • Young Adult (2011)

  • Yours, Mine & Ours (1968)

  • JAG S1-10 (1995)

  • The Chosen S4 (2024)

  • The Way West (1995)

  • Tyler Perry's Sistas S1-S3 (2020)

Arriving July 2

  • Evil Dead Rise (2023)

  • The Beekeeper (2024)

Arriving July 4

  • Space Cadet (2024)

Arriving July 5

  • NWSL on Prime Video (2024)

  • Temptation Island Mexico (2024)

Arriving July 9

  • Sam Morril: You've Changed (2024)

Arriving July 11

  • Sausage Party: Foodtopia (2024)

  • Tyler Perry's Divorce in the Black (2024)

Arriving July 12

  • Every Family (2024)

Arriving July 18

  • UNINTERRUPTED's Top Class Tennis (2024)

  • My Spy The Eternal City (2024)

Arriving July 19

  • Betty la Fea, La Historia Continúa (2024)

Arriving July 23

  • Bob Marley: One Love (2024)

Arriving July 25

  • Troppo S2 (2024)

  • Cirque du Soleil: Without a Net (2024)

  • Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning (2023)

Arriving July 30

  • Lisa Frankenstein (2024)

  • Perfect Addiction (2023)

What’s coming to Freevee in July 2024

Arriving July 1

  • 13 Going on 30 (2004)

  • Annie (2014)

  • Center Stage: On Pointe (2016)

  • Center Stage: Turn It Up (2008)

  • Collide (2016)

  • Cruel Intentions (1999)

  • Death at a Funeral (2010)

  • Fury (2014)

  • Hotel Transylvania 2 (2015)

  • How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014)

  • Justin Bieber's Believe (2013)

  • Mechanic: Resurrection (2016)

  • Missing Link (2019)

  • Skyscraper (2018)

  • Split (2016)

  • The High Note (2020)

  • The King of Staten Island (2020)

  • The Other Guys (2010)

  • The Turning (2020)

Arriving July 23

  • Irresistible (2020)

Arriving July 24

  • Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation (2018)

Arriving July 30

  • Five Feet Apart (2019)

from News

27 of the Best Introspective Movies to Watch All by Yourself

I’ve always been perfectly content to watch movies by myself. Seeing a movie with a crowd is all well and good if it’s an action flick or a comedy, but there are movies that demand more focus and reward careful attention—and having kids, partners, and even friends in the room with you can frankly be very distracting.

What follows are 27 of the best movies to watch solo and get quietly lost in. They’re all relatively quiet and generally thoughtful, which isn’t to say boring—not that there's anything wrong with a slightly boring movie.

(Note: There are a lot of American films here, in part because quiet introspection is a bit more novel in Hollywood; a list of introspective Swedish films, for example, would be a heck of a lot longer.)

Synecdoche, New York (2008)

Charlie Kaufman’s film about a theater director (Philip Seymour Hoffman) who lives his life within the context of a theatrical mock-up is seen as either assertively pretentious or utterly life-changing. Much of the film’s appeal is in the desire, made real here, to pull ourselves out of our own miserable lives and view them from a more objective place.

Where to stream: Digital rental

Waking Life (2001)

I’m not sure that Waking Life’s experimental animation style is strictly necessary, especially given the rotoscoping that required the bodily presence of actors—but there’s enough in the film’s discussions of free will and existentialism to make for an enjoyably thoughtful film about a man on the verge of a full-scale existential crisis. The ambitious visual style, though, does add a dreamlike quality that makes it harder to see as some sort of cinematic bull session.

Where to stream: Digital rental

Arrival (2016)

There have been quiet, contemplative alien invasion movies before—but it’s not exactly the style we’ve come to associate with the form. The movie that solidified Denis Villeneuve’s reputation as a maker of smart, heady genre films deals with the universal challenges and rewards of communication, topped with a unique sci-fi twist.

Where to stream: Paramount+, digital rental

The Man from Earth (2007)

Written by sci-fi legend Jerome Bixby while on his deathbed, an appropriate mournfulness hangs over this (very) low-budget movie abut a man who might or might not be 14,000 years old. David Lee Smith plays John Oldman (*wink*), a professor having some friends over for a going-away party. Over the course of the gathering, he lets his secret slip, prompting an evening of conversation during which his fellow professors grill him about his life from their own academic perspectives. Heady stuff.

Where to stream: Tubi, digital rental

Eyes Wide Shut (1999)

Marketed as the sexiest movie you’d ever see in major movie theaters, Eyes Wide Shut is, instead, a dreamlike walk through a twilight world of joyless, mechanistic sex: the message being not “sex is bad,” but, instead, that sexual obsession can be as dehumanizing as anything else in a Stanley Kubrick movie.

Where to stream: Digital rental

Pi (1998)

A bit more intense than some others here, Darren Aronofsky’s feature directorial debut involves a mathematician who becomes obsessed with the idea that math can entirely elucidate the world’s underlying meaning, even as his own mental health struggles as an imperfect and irreducible human make that quest increasingly quixotic.

Where to stream: Digital rental

Paterson (2016)

Idiosyncratic indie director Jim Jarmusch takes "contemplative" to new levels with this film following a week in the life of a New Jersey transit driver played by Adam Driver (hmmm). During breaks from work, Paterson writes small poems with encouragement from his wife (Golshifteh Farahani), but his dreams of publishing them go out the window when a dog gnaws his notebook. With impressive performances from the two leads, this quiet and rather moving film turns on the seemingly minor occurrences that can upend our own small universes.

Where to stream: Prime Video

My Dinner with Andre (1981)

Louis Malle’s My Dinner with Andre has a fanbase to rival many more obvious cult classics in American film history; fascinating in that it’s a movie about two actors playing themselves (they share names, anyway) chatting at a cafe for nearly two hours. Yet people watch it over and over. The material veers from funny to despairing, but it’s always surprising, with the two actors selling their stories at least as well as any special effects could.

Where to stream: Max, The Criterion Channel, digital rental

An Elephant Sitting Still (2018)

There's very little consolation to be found in the first and only film from novelist Hu Bo, which turns on an anecdote about an elephant in a circus in Manzhouli that remains absolutely still under any provocation: perhaps feeling peaceful, perhaps just surviving without living. The film's characters determine to visit the elephant, their stories cumulatively speaking of disconnection from and disaffection for life.

Where to stream: Digital rental

Werckmeister Harmonies (2000)

Directed by Béla Tarr and Ágnes Hranitzky, Werckmeister Harmonies might be the most approachable of Tarr's film projects. Which admittedly isn't saying much, given that his previous film, Satan's Tango, is over seven hours long. Here, we take a long, languid, and beautifully shot tour of a small village in Hungary, following its residents through their lives as a slightly sinister circus comes to town. The film isn't much interested in plot or incident, preferring instead to languidly observe its characters.

Where to stream: The Criterion Channel, digital rental

George Washinton (2000)

On one level, George Washington is the story of an unintentional murder by a school kid and the efforts to hide the evidence...but that synopsis doesn’t in any way capture the feel of this deliberately-paced and beautifully shot tone poem.

Where to stream: The Criterion Channel, digital rental

The Lobster (2015)

As offbeat dark comedies go, they don’t get much more offbeat than this: in Yorgos Lanthimos’ dystopian dark comedy, single people get exactly 45 days to find romantic partners—otherwise they’re turned into animals. It’s definitely weird, but no weirder than the modern courtship rituals it satirizes.

Where to stream: Max, digital rental

Being There (1979)

Hal Ashby’s film is, on one level, a particularly biting satire involving a (very) simpleminded gardener (Peter Sellers) whose every banal, plant-related utterance comes to be seen as a piece of wisdom by a world desperate for meaning. While it mocks our willingness to see what we want to see, it centers the gentle presence of Chance the gardener, and invites us to ask whether his innocent view of the world is really such a bad thing.

Where to stream: Digital rental

Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives (2010)

Slow and sometimes baffling, Uncle Boonmee is also a funny and beautifully meditative story about a man’s final days, and about the literal and figurative ghosts that haunt our lives.

Where to stream: Digital rental

Stalker (1979)

After the apocalypse, a guide sets out with a writer and a scientist across a distinctive and highly stylized wasteland in search of The Room, the one place left on earth where someone’s desires might still be fulfilled. There are elements of political and religious metaphor, but no one meaning really satisfies here, and it’s precisely that slipperiness that makes it so haunting.

Where to stream: Max, The Criterion Channel, digital rental

Valhalla Rising (2009)

Our leading man here is a non-speaking, one-eyed former prisoner (played by Mads Mikkelsen), who begins a long, hypnotic journey over the sea when the Norseman falls in with Christian Crusaders in the nasty, brutish middle ages. There’s blood and battle here, but the idiosyncratic director is more interested in the silences in between.

Where to stream: Shudder, AMC+, digital purchase

Only Yesterday (1991)

Not many of the films on this list topped the box office when they were released, but director Isao Takahata's anime (from Studio Ghibli) was the highest grossing film of its year in Japan. Twenty-seven-year-old Taeko Okajima works in the city but takes a train trip into the country side to visit relatives and escape from the hectic pace of Tokyo. The journey conjures memories of her life, some good, some less so, forcing her to reconcile her present with everything she has left behind.

Where to stream: Max, digital rental

A Ghost Story (2017)

A ghost (Casey Affleck) returns to the home he shared with his wife (Rooney Mara), only to discover that he’s untethered in both time and space, forced to view events in seemingly random order. Desperate to connect, all he can do is observe.

Where to stream: Max, digital rental

Nomadland (2020)

After Frances McDormand's Fern loses her job at a gypsum plant, she sells everything and buys a van to live and travel in while she hunts for work (including at an Amazon warehouse). Attachments come and go during her travels, as writer/director Chloé Zhao's funny, elegiac film considers life within America's increasingly precarious capitalist system, while also exploring more general themes of permanence and impermanence.

Where to stream: Hulu, digital rental

The Whales of August (1987)

A grace note at or near the end of the careers of Lillian Gish, Bette Davis, Ann Sothern, and Vincent Price, Whales of August finds two elderly and very different sisters spending yet another summer in the same seaside house in Maine that they've visited since childhood. Davis' bitter Libby is ready to give up on life, while Gish's Sarah is tired of being a caretaker and is increasingly delighted by the prospect of a romance with local widower Price. The gentle film explores the potential for dignity and liveliness among these octogenarians.

Where to stream: Prime Video

The Tree of Life (2011)

from News

How to Store All Your Passwords in Your Mac's Menu Bar

With the launch of the Passwords app in macOS Sequoia and iOS 18 (currently in Developer beta), Apple has made it easy to find and access all your passwords, Passkeys, and even two-factor authentication codes with ease. What used to take a trip through various Settings app menus is now just a click away.

But as good as the Passwords app is, it's little more than an app wrapper for the iCloud Keychain. While that itself is a huge improvement, we can make your Mac's Passwords app even better by enabling a menu bar list that's hidden by default.

How to enable the hidden Passwords menu bar list on macOS Sequoia

Before we start, you'll need to install the macOS Sequoia beta. I recommend doing this on a backup device if possible, as it could introduce instability to your main device. First, back up your Mac. Then open System Settings, navigate to General > Software Update and click Beta updates. Select the latest macOS Sequoia developer beta.

Now, open the Passwords app and authenticate with your Mac password or Touch ID. From the menu bar, go to Passwords > Settings. Here, enable the Show Passwords in Menu Bar option.

Enabling the menu bar app in Passwords app
Credit: Khamosh Pathak

You will see a key icon in the menu bar. That's your Passwords app. Click the icon to see a drop-down menu. Authenticate using Touch ID or your Mac password, and you will see a list of all your passwords.

The really neat thing about this menu bar app is that it's context aware. So it will automatically find a login that corresponds to the app that you have open. This works for desktop apps, and also for websites in third-party browsers like Chrome, Arc, and more.

If you're trying to log in to Discord, for example, your Discord login will be at the top of the list, where you'll be easily able to copy your password to your clipboard.

Suggested website logins using Passwords app in Chrome browser.
Credit: Khamosh Pathak

It's no secret that I'm a fan of menu bar utilities. And seeing a useful little utility from Apple itself is quite refreshing. The Passwords utility will definitely be helpful for people who use third-party browsers, but don't want to save passwords in Chrome or provide access to third-party browser extensions.  

The biggest downside, though, is that the menu bar list doesn't yet support autofill. If you're used to just authenticating passwords using Touch ID in Safari, you'll find this an odd adjustment.

from News

How to Delete Pictures of Your House From Real Estate Sites

There's no shortage of realty sites out there, and there's not a huge amount to differentiate them—in the end, they're all built to facilitate property deals. One of the things they have in common is that they all keep details of properties—including listing photos—online, even years after they are sold, rented, or otherwise taken off the market.

In other words, if your home or apartment has ever been listed for sale or rent, there might still be interior and exterior pictures of it online, as well as other sensitive information such as floor plans. This is all useful information for someone who might want to pose as you, or perhaps pay a call to your home in the middle of the night.

The good news is that you can arrange for the images to be scrubbed from these sites, though it does take a little bit of work. You'll first need to claim ownership of a property, and then petition to get the relevant details taken down. Here's how it works for major sites, including the MLS, Zillow, Redfin, and Realtor.

How to remove house photos from an MLS

MLS site
An MLS listing site. Credit: Lifehacker

A multiple listing service, or MLS, is where the likes of Zillow and Redfin get a lot of their data, so it makes sense to start here. Generally this is where brokers first upload home information and photos, and where real estate agents get a lot of their details when showing you homes.

Only licensed agents and brokers can access MLS portals (membership fees are involved). If you want to get your information scrubbed at the source, then you need to ask a listing agent (either one you employ or one used by the other party involved in a real estate transaction) to do it on your behalf.

This isn't necessarily a speedy process, and there's no obligation on the part of the listing agent to do it unless it's in the contract (the thinking is that leaving the information there saves a lot of work if the property goes up for sale again, or if interested parties are looking at homes in the area and want to see information on comparable sales).

How to remove house photos from Zillow

Zillow site
A llsting on Zillow. Credit: Lifehacker

While you need help removing details from a MLS, that's not the case for sites that pull data from there, including Zillow. To get photos removed from this site, first sign into your account (or create one if you don't have one already). If you haven't already claimed a home as yours, find it on the site, then select More and Claim ownership. You'll be asked a few questions to help verify that you are who you say you are.

Then you can click your account avatar (top right) and Your homes to make changes. Select the property you want to manage, then choose Edit facts from the owner view. To get rid of a photo, select it and click Remove photo. There are options to delete all the images at once, or just hide them from view (so you can still see them). Click Save changes when you're ready.

Note that Zillow won't remove properties and property information completely. "Our mission is to empower consumers with information and tools to make smart decisions about homes, real estate and mortgages. For this reason, we do not remove property pages from Zillow," Zillow says.

How to remove house photos from Redfin

Redfin site
A listing on Redfin. Credit: Lifehacker

If you can find your property on Redfin, the process is the same as it is for ZIllow: Claim your home (if you need to), then edit the listing. After signing in, hover over your profile badge (top right), then click Owner Dashboard and Claim Your Home.

You can then select the property from the owner dashboard, which will give you access to an Edit Photos button. There's no option to delete individual photos here; all you can do is check the box marked Hide listings photos, and then choose Save and confirm your decision.

Only one home photo will then be shown, with a Google Street View picture of your house substituted for whatever was there before. (If you want to scrub images of your property from Google Street View as well, we've got instructions here.) As with Zillow, there's no way to completely remove the listing from the web.

How to remove house photos from Realtor

Realtor site
A listing on Realtor. Credit: Lifehacker

If you've already been through this process for Zillow and Redfin, then you aren't going to come across any surprises with Realtor. Once you're signed into your account, you can click My Home at the top, then enter your home address to find your property, and click Yes, claim it.

You'll need to answer a security question or two to prove you do own the property, and you can then visit the property page as an owner rather than a member of the public. Click the Edit home link, and you're able to make changes to which photos are shown alongside the listing.

There are some extra restrictions on Realtor: After a home is sold, for example, there's a period of six months where changes can't be made to the listing. In some cases, you'll need to contact your listing agent to make the changes instead. And, as with Zillow and Redfin, there's no way to erase the listing completely.

from News

A Russian Propaganda Network Is Promoting an AI-Manipulated Biden Video

Experts tell WIRED that Russian disinformation campaigns are using generative AI more and more.

from Feed: All Latest

What's New on Max in July 2024

Max has an extensive lineup of new documentary content coming to the platform in July, starting with a new season of Hard Knocks (July 2), the unscripted sports series that goes behind the scenes of the NFL. This five-episode season, narrated by Liev Schreiber, follows the New York Giants during the 2024 offseason.

There are three HBO Original documentary films premiering on Max this month. First up is Quad Gods (July 10) about the world's first-ever fully quadriplegic e-sports team followed by Faye (July 13), a biographical film about the life and work of Oscar-winning actress Faye Dunaway featuring interviews with Dunaway and her family and friends. Finally, there's Wild Wild Space (July 17), which chronicles the race between the founders of Rocket Lab and Astra to send rockets into low-earth orbit.

On the Max side, catch the original three-episode docuseries Teen Torture Inc. (July 11), which gives voice to more survivors of the troubled teen industry, including rapper Bhad Bhabie.

Aside from documentaries, there's animated comic series Kite Man: Hell Yeah! (July 18), a Harley Quinn spinoff (with Cheers vibes) featuring the Batman villain and his girlfriend Golden Glider. The show is executive produced by Harley Quinn star Kaley Cuoco. On the film side, catch Love Lies Bleeding (July 19), a romantic dark comedy from A24 starring Kristen Stewart as a reclusive gym manager—and member of a crime family—who falls in love with a bodybuilder played by Katy O'Brian.

Here’s everything else coming to Max in July, including an extensive Shark Week 2024 lineup beginning on July 7 (and hosted by John Cena).

What’s coming to Max in July 2024

Arriving July 1

  • !Three Amigos! (1986)

  • 17 Again (2009)

  • 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way, Season 6 (TLC)

  • America’s Best Towns to Visit

  • As Good as It Gets (1997)

  • Babe (1995)

  • Batman and Harley Quinn (2017)

  • Batman: The Long Halloween, Part One (2021)

  • Batman: The Long Halloween, Part Two (2021)

  • Beowulf (2007)

  • Blended (2014)

  • Black Adam (2022)

  • Bonnie and Clyde (1967)

  • Brokeback Mountain (2005)

  • Butterfield 8 (1960)

  • Candyman 3: Day of the Dead (1999)

  • Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958)

  • Chinatown (1974)

  • Cleopatra (1963)

  • The Company You Keep (2013)

  • The Craft (1996)

  • Cyrus (2010)

  • Deep Blue Sea (1999)

  • The Express (2008)

  • The Eyes of My Mother (2016)

  • Firestarter (1984)

  • Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994)

  • Frank (2014)

  • Garden State (2004)

  • Gattaca (1997)

  • Giant (1956)

  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011)

  • Girl, Interrupted (1999)

  • The Glass Castle (2017)

  • Gods of Egypt (2016)

  • Good Luck Chuck (2007)

  • Grand Piano (2014)

  • Inside Job (2010)

  • Lady Bird (2017)

  • Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love (2019)

  • The Meg (2018)

  • Melancholia (2011)

  • Mortal Kombat (1995)

  • A Most Wanted Man (2014)

  • National Velvet (1944)

  • Network (1976)

  • Out of the Furnace (2013)

  • Panic Room (2002)

  • Parenthood (1989)

  • Please Stand By (2018)

  • Posse: The Revenge of Jessie Lee (1993)

  • Raging Bull (1980)

  • Rescue Dawn (2007)

  • The Rider (2018)

  • Saw (2004)

  • Saw 3D: The Final Chapter (2010)

  • Saw II (2005)

  • Saw III (2006)

  • Saw IV (2007)

  • Saw V (2008)

  • Saw VI (2009)

  • Signs (2002)

  • Single White Female (1992)

  • The Sixth Sense (1999)

  • The Smurfs (Movie) (2011)

  • Spy Kids (2001)

  • Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams (2002)

  • Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over (2003)

  • Spy Kids: All the Time in the World (2011)

  • The Thomas Crown Affair (1968)

  • To Sir, with Love (1967)

  • To the Wonder (2012)

  • Twister (1996)

  • Unbreakable (2000)

  • West Side Story (1961)

  • Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf? (1966)

  • Woodshock (2017)

Arriving July 2

  • Contraband: Seized at the Border, Season 4 (Discovery)

  • Hard Knocks: Offseason with the New York Giants (HBO Original)

  • Mecum Full Throttle: Indianapolis IN 2024 (Motor Trend)

Arriving July 3

  • Barnwood Builders, Season 18 (Magnolia Network)

Arriving July 5

  • Beachfront Bargain Hunt Renovation, Season 9 (Magnolia Network)

  • Care Bears: Unlock the Magic (Specials): The Star of a Thousand Wishes (2024)

  • Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives, Season 48 (Food Network)

  • King of Zanzibar (Max Original)

Arriving July 7

  • Belly of the Beast: Bigger and Bloodier (Discovery)

  • Jaws vs. Leviathan (Discovery)

  • Makozilla (Discovery)

  • Sydney Harbor Shark Invasion (Discovery)

Arriving July 8

  • BBQ Brawl, Season 5 (Food Network)

  • Big Shark Energy (Discovery)

  • Bodies in the Water (ID)

  • Great White Serial Killer: Sea of Blood (Discovery)

  • Shark Frenzy: Mating Games (Discovery)

  • Signs of a Psychopath, Season 7 (ID)

  • Two Guys Garage, Season 23 (Motor Trend)

Arriving July 9

  • 6000-Lb Shark (Discovery)

  • Bobby’s Triple Threat, Season 3 (Food Network)

  • Deadliest Bite (Discovery)

  • Monster Hammerheads: Species X (Discovery)

  • My Big Fat Fabulous Life, Season 12 (TLC)

  • Mecum Main Attractions: Indianapolis IN (Motor Trend)

Arriving July 10

  • Alien Sharks: Ghosts of Japan (Discovery)

  • Expedition Unknown: Shark Wrecks of WWII (Discovery)

  • Great White North (Discovery)

  • Quad Gods (HBO Original)

Arriving July 11

  • Caught! When Sharks Attack (Discovery)

  • Christina on the Coast, Season 5 (HGTV)

  • Great White Danger Zone (Discovery)

  • MILF of Norway, Season 1 (Max Original)

  • Monster of Oz (Discovery)

  • Teen Torture Inc. (Max Original)

Arriving July 12

  • Shark Attack Island (Discovery)

  • Sharks of the Dead Zone (Discovery)

  • The Real Sharkano (Discovery)

Arriving July 13

  • Faye (HBO Original)

  • Mothersharker: Hammertime (Discovery)

  • Sharktopia (Discovery)

Arriving July 14

  • Alex vs. America, Season 4 (Food Network)

  • In the Eye of the Storm, Season 1 (Discovery)

  • Mary Makes It Easy, Season 4 (Food Network)

Arriving July 15

  • Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths Part Two (2024)

Arriving July 16

  • The Black Widower: The Six Wives of Thomas Randolph, Season 1 (ID)

  • Welcome to Plathville, Season 6 (TLC)

Arriving July 17

  • Wild Wild Space (HBO Original)

Arriving July 18

  • Kite Man: Hell Yeah! Season 1 (Max Original)

  • The Commandant's Shadow

Arriving July 19

  • Love Lies Bleeding (A24)

Arriving July 21

  • Forbidden Love, Season 1 (TLC)

Arriving July 22

  • Fatal Affairs, Season 1 (ID)

Arriving July 23

  • Chopped, Season 58 (Food Network)

  • Secrets & Spies: A Nuclear Game (CNN Originals)

Arriving July 24

  • Charlie Hustle & The Matter of Pete Rose (HBO Original)

  • Guy’s Grocery Games, Season 36 (Food Network)

Arriving July 25

  • Full Custom Garage, Season 4 (Motor Trend)

  • Mecum Full Throttle: Kissimmee Summer Special 2024 (Motor Trend)

Arriving July 26

  • Knox Goes Away (2024)

  • Walker, Season 4 (2024)

Arriving July 30

  • Violent Earth with Liev Schreiber (CNN Originals)

from News

What's New on Hulu in July 2024

Hulu's original content in July is rich for true crime lovers, beginning with Mastermind: To Think Like a Killer (July 11), which goes behind the scenes of the work of psychiatric nurse, professor, and expert serial killer profiler Dr. Ann Burgess. The series is executive produced by Dakota and Elle Fanning.

Then, watch How I Caught My Killer (July 18), a docuseries highlighting unique homicide cases ultimately solved by the victims—and the systems that failed them. Finally, there's Betrayal: A Father's Secret (July 30), the second season based on the podcast of the same name. The docuseries follows Ashley Lytton as she uncovers the truth about her husband Jason.

Game show fans may enjoy the series premiere of Lucky 13 (July 19), a high-stakes trivia contest hosted by Shaquille O’Neal and Gina Rodriguez on ABC. For animated content at the beginning of the month, catch the three-episode series premiere of Land of Tanabata (July 4), adapted from the Hitoshi Iwasaki manga. At the end, there's the season 12 premiere of Futurama (July 29), which was revived in 2023 and is returning for an additional ten episodes.

Here’s everything else coming to (and leaving) Hulu in July, including the premiere of season 21 of The Bachelorette (July 9).

What’s coming to Hulu in July 2024

Arriving July 1

  • Attack of the Red Sea Sharks: Special Premiere

  • Baby Sharks in the City: Special Premiere

  • Shark Attack 360: Special Premiere

  • Shark Beach with Anthony Mackie: Special Premiere

  • Shark vs. Ross Edgley: Special Premiere

  • Sharks Gone Viral: Special Premiere

  • Supersized Sharks: Special Premiere

  • Blippi Anniversary Compilations

  • Blippi NASA Episodes

  • Blippi Wonderful World Tour

  • Oshi no Ko: Complete Season 1

  • (500) Days Of Summer, 2009

  • 2012, 2009

  • Alien: Covenant, 2017

  • Aliens, 1986

  • Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem, 2007

  • Alita: Battle Angel, 2019

  • Angels & Demons, 2009

  • Aniara, 2018

  • Behind Enemy Lines, 2001

  • The Big Wedding, 2013

  • Bohemian Rhapsody, 2018

  • The Cable Guy, 1996

  • Couples Retreat, 2009

  • Courage Under Fire, 1996

  • Cry Macho, 2021

  • The Da Vinci Code, 2006

  • Ford v Ferrari, 2019

  • Funny People, 2009

  • Garden State, 2004

  • Get Out, 2017

  • The Guilty, 2018

  • Hail Satan?, 2019

  • Just Go With It, 2011

  • The Man Who Knew Too Little, 1997

  • Margaret, 2011

  • The Monuments Men, 2014

  • Mortal Engines, 2018

  • The Namesake, 2007

  • Predators, 2010

  • The Predator, 2018

  • Rough Night, 2017

  • The Salt Of The Earth, 2015

  • Sex Tape, 2014

  • Shanghai Knights, 2003

  • Shanghai Noon, 2000

  • Sonic the Hedgehog 2, 2022

  • Source Code, 2011

  • Step Brothers, 2008

  • Super Troopers, 2002

  • Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby, 2006

  • Tangerine, 2015

  • Tragedy Girls, 2017

  • Wrath Of The Titans, 2012

Arriving July 2

  • The Tunnel to Summer, The Exit of Goodbyes, 2022

Arriving July 3

  • Red Swan: Two-Episode Series Premiere

  • After The First 48: Season 8B

  • Dark Gathering: Complete Season 1 (Subbed & Dubbed)

  • The Eminence in Shadow: Complete Season 2 (Subbed & Dubbed)

  • Kennedy: Complete Season 1

  • Kocktails with Khloé: Complete Season 1

  • Neighborhood Wars: Complete Season 5

  • Reincarnated as a Sword: Complete Season 1 (Subbed & Dubbed)

  • The Toys That Built America: Complete Season 3

Arriving July 4

  • Land of Tanabata: Three-Episode Series Premiere

Arriving July 5

  • 20/20 True Crime Collection: Betrayed: Special Premiere

  • Cellphone, 2024

  • The Monk and the Gun, 2023

  • Muzzle

Arriving July 7

  • Ip Man: Kung Fu Master, 2019

Arriving July 8

  • 13 Assassins, 2010

  • Jesus Camp, 2006

  • The Queen Of Versailles, 2012

Arriving July 9

  • The Bachelorette: Season 21 Premiere

  • Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar, 2021

Arriving July 10

  • Celebrity Family Feud: Season 10 Premiere

  • Family Feud: Decades of Laughs: Special Premiere

  • Sasha Reid and the Midnight Order: Series Premiere

Arriving July 11

  • Mastermind: To Think Like a Killer: Complete Docuseries

  • Claim to Fame: Season 3 Premiere

  • Who Wants to Be a Millionaire: Season 23 Premiere

  • The Animal Kingdom, 2023

  • Tyrel, 2018

Arriving July 12

  • Casey Anthony's Parents: The Lie Detector Test: Special Premiere

  • HIP - High Intellectual Potential: Complete Season 1-3

  • Inmate to Roommate: Complete Season 1

  • The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard: Complete Season 1

  • Road Wars: Complete Season 2

  • Fast Charlie, 2023

  • Fern Brady: Power & Chaos, 2021

  • Iliza's Locals (Ep. 1), 2023

  • Iliza's Locals (Ep. 2), 2023

  • Iliza's Locals (Ep. 3), 2023

  • Mark Normand: Out To Lunch, 2020

  • Scrambled

Arriving July 15

  • Hit-Monkey: Complete Season 2

  • Bloom Into You: Complete Season 1 (Subbed & Dubbed)

  • I'm Quitting Heroing: Complete Season 1 (Subbed & Dubbed)

  • Ya Boy Kongming!: Complete Season 1 (Subbed & Dubbed)

Arriving July 17

  • Unprisoned: Complete Season 2

Arriving July 18

  • How I Caught My Killer: Complete Season 2

  • Girl in the Video

  • I Killed My BFF: Complete Season 4

  • MeetMarryMurder: Season 1B

  • Mountain Men: Complete Season 12

  • The Quake, 2018

Arriving July 19

  • Epcot Becoming: Inside the Transformation: Special Premiere

  • Lucky 13: Series Premiere

  • Press Your Luck: Season 6 Premiere

  • The American, 2023

  • Bring Him to Me

  • Cult Killer, 2024

Arriving July 23

  • Dress My Tour: Complete Season 1

  • Femme, 2023

Arriving July 25

  • Wayne Brady: The Family Remix: Series Premiere

  • Court Cam: Complete Season 6

  • The Return of Shelby the Swamp Man: Complete Seaason 1

  • The UnXplained Special Presentation: Special Premiere

  • Lousy Carter, 2023

Arriving July 26

  • Playground: Complete Season 1

  • Ben Roy: Hyena, 2023

  • Brittany Schmitt: From Ho To Housewife, 2022

  • Hallelujah: Leonard Cohen, A Journey, A Song, 2021

  • Kyle Kinane: Shocks & Struts, 2023

  • The Origin of Evil

  • Sleeping Dogs, 2024

  • Tim Heidecker: An Evening With Tim Heidecker, 2020

Arriving July 29

  • Futurama: Season 12 Premiere

Arriving July 30

  • Betrayal: A Father's Secret: Complete Docuseries

What’s leaving Hulu in July 2024

Leaving July 2

  • The Clovehitch Killer, 2018

  • The Deer King, 2021

  • Disappearance at Clifton Hill, 2019

  • The House That Jack Built, 2018

  • The Nightingale, 2018

  • Personal Shopper, 2016

  • Sweet Virginia, 2017

  • Trespassers, 2018

Leaving July 4

  • Ginger's Tale, 2020

Leaving July 12

  • Automata, 2014

  • Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans, 2009

Leaving July 13

  • Bernie, 2011

  • Blitz, 2011

Leaving July 14

  • Centurion, 2010

  • Filth, 2013

  • Hobo With A Shotgun, 2011

  • I'm Still Here, 2010

  • Ragnarok, 2013

  • SAS: Red Notice, 2021

  • Sex, Guaranteed, 2017

  • Venus And Serena, 2012

  • Viva, 2015

Leaving July 17

  • The Autopsy of Jane Doe, 2016

  • The Babadook, 2014

  • Backcountry, 2014

  • The Death of Stalin, 2017

  • Made in Italy, 2020

  • Official Secrets, 2019

  • The Salvation, 2014

  • Sleeping with Other People, 2015

  • Swallow, 2019

  • True History of the Kelly Gang, 2019

  • Werewolves Within, 2021

  • Would You Rather?, 2012

Leaving July 19

  • Day of the Dead, 1985

Leaving July 20

  • The Code, 2009

  • Edison, 2005

Leaving July 21

  • The Iceman, 2012

  • Killing Season, 2013

Leaving July 27

  • Isn't It Romantic, 2019

  • The Paperboy, 2012

  • Rampart, 2011

Leaving July 28

  • Stolen, 2012

  • Trespass, 2011

Leaving July 30

  • Betsy's Wedding, 1990

  • Jiro Dreams of Sushi, 2011

Leaving July 31

  • 13 Going On 30, 2004

  • About Last Night, 1986

  • The Beach, 2000

  • Black Hawk Down, 2001

  • Blue City, 1986

  • Cast Away, 2000

  • The Darjeeling Limited, 2007

  • Fantastic Mr. Fox, 2009

  • Ferris Bueller's Day Off, 1986

  • Fresh Horses, 1988

  • The Hunter, 2011

  • The Joy Luck Club, 1993

  • The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou, 2004

  • Meet the Spartans, 2008

  • My Name Is Khan, 2010

  • The Negotiator, 1998

  • Once, 2007

  • Once Upon a Time in America, 1984

  • The Power Of One, 1992

  • The Royal Tenenbaums, 2001

  • Rushmore, 1999

  • School For Scoundrels, 2006

  • Sideways, 2004

  • Skyscraper, 2018

  • St. Elmo's Fire, 1985

  • Taps, 1981

  • Those Who Wish Me Dead, 2021

  • Van Helsing, 2004

  • Walk the Line, 2005

  • The Wedding Ringer, 2015

  • Weird Science, 1985

  • White Chicks, 2004

  • White House Down, 2013

from News

No, Microsoft Isn't Shutting Down OneNote (Just One Version of It)

You may have seen a headline this week imply that OneNote, the extremely popular note-taking application from Microsoft, is shutting down. T...